I have made a lot of photographs that mean a lot to me. I remember every shoot I go on and could probably tell you the settings I used and why I used them for most of the photographs you see on this website. There's a link to the thought process that stays with you; so when you see the image again you're reminded of the decision you made and why. I'm constantly critiquing myself and doing my best to learn from every shoot I go on which is one of the reasons #KeepWorkingHard came about.
If you follow me on Instagram (and if not why not 😊) or Twitter you'll know I love a hashtag. Very rarely do you see a post without #LifeofaPhotographer or the aforementioned #KeepWorkingHard on it so I thought I'd get another one out there regularly #PrintoftheWeek.
The awesome @SkullAndPistons Garage Cortina
The idea was to get more of those images that mean a lot to me out and accessible to you. It's very important to me that when my work is represented in print it's of the best possible quality, and the downside of that is it tends to push the printing price up for the final product. Acrylic and aluminised prints are some of my favourite mediums but pricey.
The prints for Print of the Week are still the top quality I can get; 400dpi gloss photographic print but offering just the raw print I think is going to be an exciting way of getting quality work out to you all.
Each week I'll chose a photograph from my portfolio, or catalogue and offer it up on my online store. There'll be a different image each time and maybe at some point we can even do a vote between a few if it gets really popular. I'll make sure I pick from all the different genres of photography that I do, include landscapes and some of the more abstract images I create.
Film photograph from an air show at Duxford Air Museum
So check back each week and see what image you can pick up! The first is already up, this gorgeous DeTomaso Pantera. Click the image to take you straight to the shop where you can pick up a print now.
If there's a particular image that you've seen that you'd like to see feature as a Print of the Week or would like an acrylic or aluminised print of, then please don't hesitate to drop me a message on here. I'll be happy to sort that out for you. Those two formats are still my favourites, and look so striking when they're hung.
Thank you for all your support, and I'm really excited and looking forward to getting more images out to you all!
See you anon!